Jesus Selects James E. Padgett
Well, my brother, I am glad to tell you that your communion with the Father tonight has been responded to. His love has inflowed into your soul in great abundance, and your soul is now filled with it, and the influence of this great love is working in your soul and you realize its presence. If you will meditate and long for and pray to the Father as you have tonight your soul will soon be so filled with this love that you will receive the knowledge that you have a near at Onement with Him, and you will be conscious of the possession of a part of His divinity of which we have written you. Let your mind be free from all thoughts of evil and sin.
The Love of God is reaching out to every man so that the meanest will be the object of His Care. Do not let the thought that He is only loving the good and righteous lead you to think that you must seek the company of these favored ones only.