True Gospel Revealed Anew
I am here, Jesus; I fully realize that when you shall publish my messages the great difficulty in their being accepted will be the doubts of the people as to their source, but you will have to compile the book in such a way that the testimony of the numerous writers will be so strong that the doubts will not be able to withstand the evidence of my being the writer of the messages. And when people read the same they will realize that the truths which they contain could only come from a higher source than mortal mind, and that the Hand of the Father is in them.
I write this to show you that we will have a great difficulty to have people believe that I wrote the messages, and that we will have to do everything possible to convince them of the truth of the source of the writings. But if this difficulty should appear almost insurmountable in the beginning, yet after a while, when men come to appreciate the inherent truth and importance of the messages, they will easily believe that I wrote them -- and especially will this be the case with those who are not orthodox in their beliefs. So when the time comes to publish them I do not fear that they will not be gladly received. Your brother and friend, Jesus.