The Divine Love of God
Then, understanding what this Love is, and that man must seek for It, and what Its effect upon the soul of man is, it becomes very important that man should make the obtaining of It the one great object of his aspirations and desires.
For when he possesses It to a degree that makes him at-one with the Father, he ceases to be a mere man and becomes of a nature of soul existence that makes him Divine with many qualities of the Father, the chief of which is of course this love, and also causes him to absolutely realize the fact of his immortality.
The divine love that I speak of is of itself not only able to make a man an inhabitant of the Father's kingdom, but is sufficient to enable him to bring about and realize to the fullest of his dreams that great brotherhood even while on earth.
This Love makes a mortal and sinful man an immortal and sinless spirit, destined to live through all eternity in the presence of, and at-one with, the Father.