The Celestial Heavens
There is now a Kingdom in the Celestial Spheres, but not a finished one, for it is still open and in the process of formation. It is open to the entry of all spirits, and men must seek for it in the only Way that the Father has provided.
No man or spirit will be excluded from it who, with all the longings of his soul, will aspire to enter that Kingdom.
I must also state that the time will come when this Celestial Kingdom will be completed, and thereafter, neither spirit nor man will be able to enter therein; for this Divine Love of the Father will again be withdrawn from man, as it was from the first parents, and the only Kingdom that will then be accessible to man will be the Kingdom that will exist on earth, or that which now exists in the spirit world.
Then what is the Way that leads to this Celestial Kingdom? The only Way? For there is but one!