An awareness of who and what is God and how His deep unconditional love is
for all of His children.
God is our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Universe and all of its living creatures. He is soul and has a form that we cannot comprehend with our mind, but only when our own soul becomes developed by receiving His Divine Love can we perceive Him and His wonderful attributes of love, gentleness, kindness, mercy, patience and forgiveness. He is a loving Heavenly Father, who desires that His children turn to Him for all things as He is able to help us with everything that we need to make us happy. Who and What Is God
God is not a man, who can supernaturally transport Himself to the earth and walk amongst us so that we can see Him. But we are able to perceive His presence by His love and tenderness when our souls become spiritually awakened. And God does listen to us and responds to the true longings of our souls. He shows Himself by His Holy Spirit, who delivers His Divine Love, when we earnestly seek for it. For all other prayers, He answers them with the help of ministering angels and it is these angels who speak on His behalf. God Sees, Hears, and Knows the Thoughts and Deeds of Men and Spirits Who and What is God?
Because of the fact of the great variety of beliefs and teachings on earth as to the meaning of the second death, many men and spirits will neglect to exercise their privilege of obtaining the Great Gift of the Divine Love and suffer the second death. The second death will take place when that great separation occurs, and the gift of this privilege of receiving the Divine Love of the Father will again be withdrawn from man and spirit. No other death is meant, for man and spirit will continue to live their mortal and spirit lives, without any other death than that which is now constantly taking place. Adam and Eve and all who followed suffered the first death, which continued until the arrival of Jesus. The necessity of obtaining the Divine Love
Reveals what it is, how we may obtain it, and what its effect is on our
Divine Love is God’s gift to us and is the very essence, or substance, of God, Himself. This powerful holy love removes sin and error from our soul and transforms it into a divine soul and is the key to giving us salvation and immortality. It doesn’t come to us by way of thinking about it, we must pray for it with all the earnestness and longings of our soul and when we receive it, we can feel it in the vicinity of our heart and it is an unmistakable feeling of warmth and love. But receiving God's Divine Love only once is not enough for this divine transformation. It must become not only a daily activity of prayer, but a way of life that brings to us an amazing happiness and joy and an assurance that we are truly a child of a loving God, our Heavenly Father. The Divine Love of God and the New Birth of the Soul The Divine Love Prayer
If our soul is open, we should be able to receive it right away. But if it's closed, then the length of time it takes may be different for everyone, it all depends on our soul's condition. So there is no set time. It could be a week, a month, or longer for our soul to open with continual prayers and soul longings. But it will come eventually and praying and soul longings should become a way of life, as the more Love we receive then our soul's condition becomes more transformed and refined and we develop a closer relationship with God. The Great World Teacher will be the Master again come to earth in the formof his Divine Revelations
No. This is a New Age philosophy that is untrue. The love that is within us is the natural love. We must receive God’s Divine Love in our souls in order to become divine. What it is that makes a man divine
It doesn’t mean that we must accept Jesus as our savior as the Bible teaches. The true meaning to be Born Again is the complete purification and removal of sin and error on our souls by the inflowing of God’s Divine Love, whereby we become a new creation and immortal. Jesus is not God, but was sent by the Father
An explanation of what is death, plus descriptions of spirit life - the
spheres, homes and surroundings, and spirits who inhabit them.
Amazingly, the spirit world is very similar to what we are familiar with here, as the earth is the image of the spirit world. There are several spheres and the homes where spirits reside are suited to their soul’s condition, whether it is in temporary darkness or light, and as spirits progress by the purification of love, their homes and surroundings change and become more beautiful to reflect this love and light.
Ann Rollins describes several spheres and the different kinds of spiritsinhabiting them
Enlightenment of the soul - a discovery of who and what we are.
We each have a soul that was created by God in His image, which is invisible and can only be felt when we have an awakening that it truly exists inside of us. The soul has two units with a duplex personality, male and female, and they have a conscious awareness of each other and of God. This is the true meaning of soulmates. At some point, these two units separate and when the proper condition presents itself each soul enters into a different mother’s womb and at that time a spirit body is created to house the soul. After this separation occurs and the soul incarnates into the body, soulmates lose this conscious awareness of the other and they may not meet until one or both have returned to the spirit world after the death of their physical bodies. The Soul: What it is and what it is not Jesus explains the incarnation of the soul
A portrayal of Jesus - the truth about his life, teachings, and as the
Master of the Celestial Heavens.
If Jesus is God, then who was the Father that he prayed to? Jesus is the son of God, the first to receive God's Divine Love, we are all sons of God, there is a difference between a mortal child and an immortal child though, the divine love transorms the soul and those that become transformed, become immortal angels of God and are fitted to dwell in the celestial heavens. Jesus is not God, or to be worshiped as God. Explains his mission.
This earth life is a fleeting shadow of the spirit life, but an important
shadow to the happiness which man may enjoy in the future.
Religion is a matter of soul and not of intellect, and the greater the development of the soul in the right direction, the higher will be the spiritual state or condition of the soul. Mere intellectual belief, no matter how intense and undoubting, will not tend to bring about this spiritual development, for "religion is really nothing but the relationship and harmony of men's souls with the Soul of God." Religion, is the relationship and harmony of men's souls with the Soul of God.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Hell, but were afraid to ask!
Miscellaneous Q&As not listed under a specific category.
As you sow, so shall you reap. If your thoughts are good, you will attract to you good situations and good spirits, if your thoughts are evil the opposite happens, your thoughts influences your soul and the condition of your soul determines your destiny. Pray to God for His Divine Love, this is what we teach. The Great Law of Attraction