Jesus Will Never Come in All His Glory and Power to Take Men into His Heavens


I am here, John the Apostle

I merely want to say that I have been listening to your reading of my message and heard  your comments on the same, and you are correct in what you and your friend said.

There is scarcely a greater error in the beliefs of men that retard the development of their souls, than the belief that at some time, Jesus will come in all his glory and power, and take men into his heaven; and this just as they are - in body, soul and spirit.
For a long time this belief has prevented many men from seeking to develop their soul qualities, either as to the natural love, or as to the Divine Love.

As a basis of their faith, such men refer to that saying in the Bible, "that whosoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ" shall be saved. And many, thinking that they have this belief, are contented therewith.

They believe further that because of that belief, they will be carried into the heavens of Jesus when he comes, even though they may have given up the earth life in the meantime. It is deplorable that men should believe these things, and live and die in this belief which, of course, is wholly intellectual. But such is the fact. And for all the long centuries, we spirits who know the truth have been so anxious that men should know the truth. We have been working among men by means of spirit impression, and sometimes by revelation, to help them learn, not only the truth, but also the errors of their beliefs.

And as our efforts have not been successful, we decided to use the means that we are now using in order to reveal to mankind, in our own words and thoughts, the truths of God as regards man and all things connected with Him.

And here I want to say, with all the emphasis that I can, that you and your friends must believe that, the communications that you receive as to these truths are written by us and in our own words; that your mind does not supply a thought or suggestion; and that you are used only as a medium to convey our thoughts, and to lend your physical organs to facilitate our expressing the truths that we desire to convey in our own language.

So no matter how improbable some things may seem to you, you must accept them as true; for nothing but the truth will be written. And further, we will not allow any spirit who is not in our band, or who has not this Divine Love, to write on any of the truths that must be revealed to the world.

I thought that this was the proper place to say this, as I desire to assure your friend of the reality of the messages, and the source from which they come.

I will not write more now, and will say good night. With my love to you both, I am

Your brother in Christ, John