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Amazingly, the spirit world is very similar to what we are
familiar with here, as the earth is the image of the spirit world.  There
are several spheres and the homes where spirits reside are suited to their
soul’s condition, whether it is in temporary darkness or light, and as
spirits progress by the purification of love, their homes and surroundings
change and become more beautiful to reflect this love and light.

Ann Rollins describes several spheres and the different kinds of spiritsinhabiting them

This is an area of the earth plane between the darkness of Hell
and the light of Heaven in the second sphere.  The spirits who reside here
have found their comfort zone and are satisfied with the degree of happiness
that suits them.

The conditions of spirits in the twilight zone and their progress in the natural love

A very controversial subject, and the reason for this is because it varies,
the condition of the soul determines the locality of the spirit, when the spirit body
enters the spirit world it must go to and occupy the place which its enclosed soul condition
determines that it shall occupy.

Spirits' experience when entering the spirit world and their progress

What does the spirit of man do when it leaves the physical body for eternity?

No, there are no animals in the spirit world, the spirits can create spirit animals though.

There are no animals in the spirit world

Yes they are. One was just as the other as respects the gifts bestowed, and together, they were the perfect pair, male and female were they created with divers functions and duties to perform in the perfect workings of the laws of God. The Padgett messages use the word man very often, this is because when the messages were written this was the terminology used, so Man means Man and Woman.

Creation of the first parents-difference in their qualities, equal in their relationship to God and each other

We each have a soul that was created by God in His image, which is
invisible and can only be felt when we have an awakening that it truly
exists inside of us.  The soul has two units with a duplex personality, male
and female, and they have a conscious awareness of each other and of God. 
This is the true meaning of soulmates.  At some point, these two units separate
and when the proper condition presents itself each soul enters into a
different mother’s womb and at that time a spirit body is created to house
the soul.  After this separation occurs and the soul incarnates into the
body, soulmates lose this conscious awareness of the other and they may not
meet until one or both have returned to the spirit world after the death of
their physical bodies.

The Soul: What it is and what it is not

Jesus explains the incarnation of the soul

Yes.  It is very important for our beliefs to be in harmony with
God’s truths, in order for our soul to attain to perfection of the natural
love.  A change of beliefs is essential for progression in the spirit world,
and we can make the necessary adjustments now – we need not wait until we
pass into the spirit world.

No one can possibly reach the condition of perfection, unless their mentalbeliefs become in accord with the truth

The difference is, the natural love is the love we were created with,
the divine love is God's love, which must be sought for by prayer to God
before it can enter into our soul-

There are two loves, not one.

Divine Love, what It is and what It is not. How It can be obtained?

No, this is an error in the Bible and a belief in this will not
bring about the desired result of being Born Again.

What is the use in believing in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross assalvation from sin?

Jesus says his blood does not save men

If Jesus is God, then who was the Father that he prayed to?
Jesus is the son of God, the first to receive God's Divine Love,
we are all sons of God, there is a difference between a mortal child
and an immortal child though, the divine love transorms the soul and those
that become transformed, become immortal angels of God and are fitted to
dwell in the celestial heavens.

Jesus is not God, or to be worshiped as God. Explains his mission.