Divine Love Links: Websites, Blogs, Forums. Websites, blogs, forums with the mission of informing people about The Divine Love of our Dear Heavenly Father. Filter Field Display # 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Hits: 712 Forum for Truth for all people Forum about God's Divine Love, Studying Jesus' Messages, Testifying to the Reality of this Love and Sharing Spiritual Experiences Hits: 1555 My Blog My blog Hits: 1280 Divine Love Writings Jesus true teachings, James E. Padgett, God's truths, Divine Love, soulmates, immortality, salvation, heaven, spirit world, spirit communications, natural love Joan. Hits: 1403 Divine Love Soulmates Soulmates exist. Adam and Eve were the first soulmates born on earth. God creates two souls as one unit in the Heavens and this unit separates and is born to two different mothers. Our soulmate is the opposite part of us, our very own true love. Hits: 1377 Divine Love for the Soul God's Gift of Love: A Collection of True Stories of Soul Awakenings, Spiritual Experiences, Inspirational Essays, and Angel Messages about God’s Greatest Gift to Change the Heart. Hits: 1611 Free online library The Choice There are Two Loves, not One! The Enchanted Place A Dream I Had Hits: 1209 Getting to know God Throughout the years I have had conversations with people who I feel do not have a true idea of God as our loving Heavenly Father. I decided to create this blog to share with others my knowledge of God and how much He loves us, His created children. Judy. Hits: 1608 Celestial Vision Productions Celestial Vision Productions presents a Divine Love Festival. Contact: Joan Hits: 1273 Angelic Church of Divine Love The Angelic Church of Divine Love is an invisible, living church without walls that exists within the heart and souls of those who have received and know the reality of Divine Love, and who seek to manifest and make known the existence of this Love to others. Hits: 1177 Divine Paddler It's during these times that I feel so close to God, a spiritual retreat as it were. There are many stories and spiritual lessons I draw from these experiences that I'd like to share with you. Hits: 1220 God is Love God's Laws Hits: 1454 Hawaiian Barefoot Weddings Get blessed on with God's Love on a beautiful beach in Hawaii. Hits: 1436 Divine Love Ministry Our Dual Nature and the Pursuit of Happiness. Hits: 1464 Angelic Messages Angelic Messages to all. Hits: 1579 Spiritual Enlightenment Community Here on this site, we can learn and enlighten each other about the New Birth and what it is; as well as our experiences on things spiritual. Hits: 1077 Listen Hear, A Divine Love Story What is this that flows through me and fill pages and pages with such lofty thoughts? It is what I asked for; it is what I pleaded for, when I asked for more. When I set aside my ego and let God go. I let God go to work in my heart and pour forth. These are my lessons, my lesson plans, written in my hand by Divine order. Hits: 1085 Universal Spirituality This website, as it is developed, has as its goal to share practical, edifying, as well as thought-provoking spiritual information to help visitors on their spiritual journey.
John the Baptist is now the harbinger of the Master as he was on earth. Confirms Jesus' writing through Mr. Padgett. Description of the Third Sphere The Origin of these Messages. My Testimony By Dr. Leslie R. Stone True Gospel Revealed Anew From Jesus, Introduction, Messages from Jesus The Time is Ripe for the Truths to be made known so That Mankind Can Be Redeemed from Their False Beliefs Ann Rollins' experience in progressing from the third sphere into the Celestial Heavens Heaven is a place as well as a condition of the soul.
God's Laws, Important Laws for All Mankind How the Divine Love enters into the Soul of a Human Being True Explanations for Many of Jesus' Sayings and Parables are in these Messages The Prayer for the Divine Love Jesus Messages for All People The Divine Love of the Father and the New Birth of the Soul The Power of Divine Love to Redeem Men from Sin and Error How the Soul of a Mortal Receives the Divine Love, even though his Mind may indulge in False Beliefs, and the Truth concerning a Lost Soul How a Soul must receive the Divine Love of the Father in order to become an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom